Monday, 27 February 2012

Cupcakes, The Olympics and Trademarks.

Hello Cake Lovers! 

A fortnight ago, we were called with a request to make cupcakes for a party which had an Olympics Theme. The Birthday Boy is performing in the Olympics opening ceremony, and so he specifically wanted all of his cupcakes to feature the Olympics rings on them. 

We had a quick look on the web and saw that many cupcake companies had done this, and so off we trotted to make 500 rings out of coloured fondant! After sending the cupcakes off, we tweeted a few pictures to show our followers what we had been up to. Cue barrage of tweets regarding trademarks!! 

Many of the tweets, which sent us links to a story about warnings sent to the British Sugarcraft Guild, were genuine warnings about possibly getting into trouble with the IOC. A number were less friendly, and send from the cake-makers who seem to patrol my timeline for material to discuss in cake forums and only ever get in touch to criticise!

There are many cake decorators who recreate popular characters and logos on their cupcakes. I very much doubt that each cupcake maker who has ever made a Hello Kitty cake or Angry Birds cupcakes have sought prior permission from Sanrio or Rovio Mobile. The difference seems to be that, when it comes to the Olympics rings, the trademark is enforced in a more vehement fashion. 

It seems as though we will have to stick to making Union Jacks for the Olympics. It's not such a bad thing; those rings were ridiculously fiddly!!

The Cupcaker x 

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